Vow of the Disciple
Equipment recommendations. They are not absolute and only serve a purpose of giving you a general guess about what you might want in every encounter.
1. Acquisition
Close and medium combat distances
Small and medium enemies
Don't forget to adjust your gear to include anti-unstoppable tools. Depending on available anti-champ mods, you might want to go for other weapon types

Primary: SMGs / Auto rifles
Primary weapons to destroy scorn minions with

Special: Grenade Launchers / Fusions / Shotguns
Wave-frame or disorienting GLs are the best option to help with add clear

Heavy: Rockets / Linear Fusion Rifles
Use those to get rid of taken knights, glyphkeepers and champions quickly. Rockets with tracking are preferred
2. Collection
Close and medium combat distances
Small enemies

Primary: SMGs / Auto rifles
Primary weapons to destroy scorn minions with

Special: Grenade Launchers / Fusions / Shotguns
Wave-frame or disorienting GLs are the best option to help with add clear

Heavy: Rocket Launchers
For Boss DPS
3. Exhibition
Close combat distances
Small and medium enemies
Don't forget to adjust your gear to include anti-overload tools. Depending on available anti-champ mods, you might want to go for other weapon types

Primary: SMGs / Auto rifles
Primary weapons to destroy scorn minions with

Special: Grenade Launchers / Fusions / Shotguns
Wave-frame or disorienting GLs are the best option to help with add clear

Heavy: Machineguns / Rockets / Swords
More help with add clear and glyphkeepers. Don't kill yourself with a rocket
4. Dominion
Close and medium combat distances
Small and medium enemies

Primary: SMGs / Auto rifles
Primary weapons to destroy scorn minions with

Special: Fusion rifles / GLs / Snipers
Use your special to deal with adds or help with DPS when you're out of heavy

Heavy: Rocket Launchers
For Boss DPS